Collection: Gatefold Funeral Programs

DIY Gatefold funeral programs offer a distinctive and elegant format for memorial services, providing a unique way to present information and commemorate a loved one. The gatefold design consists of two symmetrical panels that open outward to reveal a central page, creating an engaging visual experience that can be more interactive than traditional single-fold programs. This layout is particularly suitable for including additional photographs, a detailed life timeline, or extended tributes, as it naturally divides the content into sections that can be organized thematically. For instance, one panel might feature a biography or favorite memories, while the other could display quotes, poems, or acknowledgments, with the main service details neatly arranged in the center.

Creating DIY Gatefold funeral programs allows families to personalize every aspect of the design to reflect the personality and life of the deceased. With various templates available online, even those with minimal graphic design skills can produce a professional-looking program. The process of assembling these programs can also provide a comforting activity for family members, allowing them to collaborate and share memories as they put together a beautiful and fitting tribute. Additionally, the physical act of opening the gatefold panels can feel symbolic during the service, as it invites attendees to uncover and celebrate the rich life of their loved one. This type of program not only serves as a practical guide for the ceremony but also becomes a cherished keepsake for all who attend, embodying a meaningful remembrance of the person honored.  The gatefold funeral program is the perfect solution for those seeking to get a jump start on creating this type of program. Our gatefold programs are available in legal or tabloid sizes and in many different themed backgrounds. Additional pages cannot be added with this type of layout.

Gatefold Funeral Programs

A gatefold funeral program is a specific type of funeral program design that involves a folding format resembling a gate. In this layout, the program is folded in such a way that the two outer panels fold inward, meeting at the center like the opening of a gate. This creates a visually striking presentation and allows for a structured organization of content.

Key features of a gatefold funeral program:

  1. Gate-Like Folding: The gatefold design consists of two outer panels that fold toward the center, creating a gate-like appearance when the program is closed. This folding style adds an element of elegance and uniqueness to the overall presentation.
  2. Center-Focused Content: The center of the gatefold program typically features a central area where essential information or imagery can be prominently displayed. This central space is often used for a photograph of the deceased, a brief biography, or a significant quote.
  3. Internal Panels: When the gatefold is opened, additional panels inside can reveal more detailed information about the funeral service, the order of events, poems, and other personalized content. The internal panels provide ample space for customization.
  4. Visual Impact: The gatefold design offers a visually impactful way to present information. It allows for a structured arrangement of content while providing an aesthetically pleasing format that captures the attention of those attending the funeral service.
  5. Customization Possibilities: Gatefold funeral programs are customizable, allowing families to choose the overall design, color schemes, fonts, and imagery that best reflect the personality and preferences of the departed individual.
  6. Professional Printing: To achieve the best results with a gatefold funeral program, professional printing services are often recommended. This ensures high-quality printing and a polished finish that enhances the overall presentation.

Gatefold funeral programs are a popular choice for those seeking a unique and visually appealing format for commemorating a loved one's life. The distinctive folding style provides both a sense of formality and a canvas for creative expression, allowing families to craft a personalized and memorable tribute.

Featured Gatefold Funeral Program Template

Our featured gatefold funeral program is offered in one of 2 sizes, legal or tabloid. This gatefold funeral program design is brought to you from our faith based collection and displays a wooden cross with liminating center beams of light.

  • Shine Gatefold Funeral Program Template

  • Majestic Gatefold Funeral Program Template

  • funeral-program

    Pearls Gatefold Funeral Program Template

Gatefold Funeral Program Videos

Gatefold Funeral Program FAQs

What sizes do gatefold funeral programs come in?

The Funeral Program Site offers 3 sizes for you to choose from: Letter, Legal or Tabloid Size gatefold funeral programs.

How many pages are in a gatefold funeral program?

The gatefold is printed on only 1 sheet of paper, front and back. So you have a total of 6 panels in which you can enter text and/or photos.

What is a gatefold funeral program?

A gatefold funeral program is a unique layout when folded, simulates the opening of a gate, hence the name. The gatefold funeral program is a wonderful alternative to the traditional center or bifold for those seeking something different.

Can I add pages to the graduated funeral program?

We do not recommend you add any pages to this type of gatefold funeral program layout. In order to keep pages together you would need to do staples and the gatefold does not provide a seamless place where you can place the stapling. This is a good choice for those who do not think they will need to expand the program.

How To Make A Gatefold Funeral Program

Creating a gatefold funeral program using a template can add an elegant and organized touch to the presentation of your loved one's memorial service. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a beautiful and respectful gatefold program:

1. Selecting the Right Gatefold Funeral Program Template
Start by choosing a gatefold template that fits the tone and formality of the funeral service. Gatefold programs open up like two doors to reveal the inner content, which can be both visually appealing and functional for organizing information. Look for templates specifically designed for gatefold printing on software like Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, or through online platforms such as Canva or Etsy, which often offer customizable templates.

2. Customizing the Gatefold Funeral Program Template
Once you’ve selected a template, begin customizing it with details about the funeral service. A gatefold program typically has four panels to design:

Front Cover: This is what attendees will see first. It should include the name of the deceased, their photograph, and dates of birth and death. You might also consider adding a simple quote or saying that was meaningful to them.
Left Inner Panel: This panel is visible when the program is first opened and is ideal for an obituary or a brief biography of the deceased.

Right Inner Panel: Use this space for the order of service. List down the sequence of the event, including musical selections, readings, officiants’ names, and any other ceremonies.
Back Cover: This can be used for additional information such as acknowledgments, a thank you note from the family, or details about the reception following the service.

3. Incorporating Gatefold Funeral Program Graphics and Text
Enhance the template with elegant graphics such as floral borders or religious icons that resonate with the theme of the service. Choose fonts that are easy to read but also convey the appropriate level of formality. Ensure that the font sizes are large enough to be read easily by all attendees.

4. Gatefold Funeral Program Proofreading and Editing
Before printing, thoroughly proofread the content to ensure all information is accurate and there are no typographical errors. It’s a good idea to have another family member or friend review it as well to catch any mistakes you might have missed.

5. Printing the Gatefold Funeral Programs
Once the design is finalized, print a test copy to make sure everything aligns correctly and looks as expected when folded into the gatefold format. Choose a high-quality, sturdy paper to give the programs a nice feel and durability. If you’re unsure about your printer’s ability to handle the job, consider taking the file to a professional printing service.

6. Folding the Gatefold Funeral Programs
Gatefold programs will need to be folded precisely to ensure that they close neatly and align properly. Use a bone folder for sharp, clean folds that will give your programs a professional look. This method of using a gatefold template for funeral programs allows you to create a distinctive and memorable tribute to your loved one, offering attendees a keepsake that they can cherish.